There are a variety of ways you can support Gloria Dei Early Learning Center that directly benefits our students. Thank you for considering how you can strengthen our school through your participation.

Your ongoing support assures your child will have the quality education they deserve. It keeps us well stocked with supplies such as books, games, manipulative toys, and tactile art to engage their curiosity and creativity.

How to Support Gloria Dei Early Learning Center

Other ways you can help include:

Donate Supplies to the Classroom

We are always so thankful to anything you’re able to donate for use in our classroom. Gently used, age appropriate storybooks, toys or puzzles, New crayons, pencils, paints and paint brushes, clay and molds or other clay tools. Check back for a list of much needed items for the classroom. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Parent Recommendations and Referrals

You are encouraged to share your positive comments with our community by posting them on social media pages. A happy, satisfied family is the best recruitment tool we can provide. Visit our Social Media links (below) to write a review or share a story of how the Early Learning Center is developing your child’s love of learning and discovery. 

Donate your time and gifts to Our Classroom | Events

As the saying goes, “many hands make light work,” and every event has plenty of room for more hands to publicize, set up, tear down, attend to organizing food and other needs for any given event. We also love visitors (parents, grandparents, church members) to read, sing, engage the children in puzzle building, painting, clay modeling; the possibilities are endless. Please contact the ELC Director if you have time/gifts you’d like to offer to the Early Learning Center.

Fund Raising Events

Several times a year our school will participate in events to support the school in meeting the needs of new and continuing program expenses.  Some are holiday themed, others opportunities to gather with family and friends for a good time, good food, and fellowship. At times we join with Gloria Dei’s Lord’s Pantry to fund work for both our differing ministries here at the Gloria Dei campus. Major funding from these events has been used for tuition assistance, campus improvements, and new curriculum purchases.


Participation in the AmazonSmile program earns money for our school at no additional effort or cost to you.  You simply visit and select your charity; Gloria Dei Lutheran Church & School.  Each time you buy from Amazon (using the AmazonSmile link), a percentage is donated to the school on the participant’s behalf.

Our Current gofundme Campaign

Created by one of our Early Learning Center parents, the gofundme campaign hopes to raise enough in donations to provide our little ones with a new play ground structure with swings and slides, and replace their tricycles to have enough for every child to ride.